Saturday, August 8, 2009


Yes, I've been blog-happy lately. Enjoy.

Those of you who are lucky enough to be my facebook friends may recall that earlier this week my status was that I was, "delighted to find a 9th Pop-Tart in my box of 8."

It really was quite exciting. First I was pissed because I thought they had jipped me and I only had seven. There was one lonely tart in a package, sealed all by itself. Then I counted again and there were four other packages of two. Delight.

After posting this on facebook, most of my friends were happy for me but one naysayer said that it was failed quality control and I should worry. Debbie Downer! I was still ecstatic.

Yesterday I reached into my cabinet to pull out a package of 100 calorie chocolate covered pretzels. This box lives on the top shelf so I just blindly grab and pull down. When I did, I discovered that I empty bag. Mind you the bag was sealed, but it was sans the pretzels. I've been robbed!

So I guess this is Karma repaying me for that extra Pop-Tart. I knew I had to make it up somewhere.

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