Monday, April 27, 2009

People Watching

People watching is one of my favorite past times. There is no greater place to do this than your local exercise joint, in my case, Jazzercise. It's a great place to work out because no one really cares what they look like or how they move, everyone just dances their little hearts out. This makes for great entertainment for people-watchers like me. I love that they are letting loose and "dancing like nobody's watching," but someone is: me. Don't get me wrong, I love Elaine from Seinfeld.

On another Jazzercise note, I've decided to chew gum while exercising. It makes me feel like less of an asthmatic yeti when I'm working out. I think the constant chewing requires me to actually breathe continuously throughout the class. However, I must caution you who may want to try this: I have had several near-choking experiences when doing stretches. Those, "tilt your pelvis forward and stretch your arms to the back wall," numbers should really include, "and push your gum to the front of your mouth or you'll aspirate." No worries. I haven't choked yet.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Blame Woody

Yesterday my crappy phone decided to stop working. This is a problem as I have no home phone, so I was out of commission for a brief moment in time. I had to get that crappy phone because I dropped my awesome hot pink phone in the toilet. Whoops.

I went to T-Mobile right after work today to see what they get do about this phone that I didn't really want in the first place. Of course they told me I bought a phone that sucked from the get-go (where were they on that when I bought it?) and that I would need to buy a new phone. Sigh.

They suggested some phones, all of which weren't pink mind you, so I settled for one that was conducive to texting and would suit my needs. Woody, yes that was his real name, was helping me in this adventure. I told him as he was ringing me up that some of my numbers were saved to the phone, not the SIM card, and would he kindly transfer those. If I knew then what I know now, I would have just sacrificed those friends.

One hour and a half later I was 112 contacts lighter and dangerously and uncomfortably close to a date. Woody sweated profusely as he desperately tried to figure out what happened to all those 112 friends that he decided I no longer needed. He'd ignore me for long periods of time then say things like, "So...what do you do?" Smirk, wink. Ugh.

Then, after an hour of sitting on an uncomfortable stool, having to go to the bathroom and dying of hunger (I wish I'd brought provisions), Woody asked for my zip code. "Do you live around here? Like close?" Really? No, seriously? That's the oldest line in the book? No I don't live around here and I don't come here often. I hope never to come here again!

I now have this stupid, ridiculously expensive phone and hopefully, all of your numbers. If not, it's not my fault. Blame Woody.

And So It Begins

I decided to start another blog because...well because I have so many things to say and let's face it, I'm a freakin' riot. I thought and thought about the clever and witty title for my blog...then it came to me while driving in the car this week (note title of blog). I came home and Googled it just to make sure no one else had stolen this genius idea out of my brain when I found this video.

Those of us "sarcastics" (did you know there's really no name for a person who is sarcastic? I know, I looked it up) are a special breed. I've found that out that hard way. Did you know that sarcasm is not acquired in the human brain until approximately age 10? As a teacher, I can justify that.

So, if you enjoy a good story that is laced with sarcasm, enter here.