Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thanks, Facebook!

If you're a member of Facebook, you know that on the right panel there are "Friend Suggestions." A lot of the time these are people that you've gone to high school or college with, or sometimes they are friends of friends. I've always wondered exactly how they, being Facebook, come to make these suggestions as sometimes they are a little creepy.

Take today for example. Today I had two new friend suggestions. Both of them were guys I had been on blind dates with. Both of the dates were less than awesome. Both were guys I no longer talk to anymore.

How does Facebook know this? Big Brother, much? Needless to say, no, I don't want to be friends with these guys and I sincerely hope that the dozen other date rejects don't start showing up. I don't need to relive that again. So thanks, but no thanks, Facebook. I appreciate your suggestions...most of the time.

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