Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another Blonde Moment

Scene One: A Grocery Store
I had bought all my groceries, done a great job of being green by bringing my own bags, and the sacker had bagged all my groceries. I bought the usual items: frozen dinners, Diet Coke, and a special treat, some popcorn.

Scene Two: Home
I unpack the groceries and discover that my popcorn isn't in the bag. I am disappointed as I was looking forward to this tasty treat. This isn't the first time I've purchased something and it hasn't made it into the bag and I know that if I bring my receipt back to the store, they'll give me my missing item. I'm too lazy and move on.

Fast forward several weeks.

Scene Three: Home
I am packing my lunch before work when I reach into the freezer and what do I discover? My popcorn! (sheepish grin)